John: I think that it just came naturally. We try to keep everything as simple as possible musically. And we are definitely on a garage rock budget.
E.C.: What are the influences of the Swinging Neckbreakers?
John: Between the three of us I would say that we like all kinds of stuff - too many to mention by name. I also think that we get inspired by a lot of groups but, don't necessarily try to emulate them.
E.C.: With two brothers in the band, is there any simbling rivalry like what goes on with the Gallagher
brothers of Oasis or the Davies brothers in the Kinks?
John: My brother and I are always going to do things to piss each other off. It always passes though and we don't hold any grudges about it.
E.C.: Is the "garage rock" format limiting for you as a band? Even the Kinks and Animals eventually branched out…will we ever see some sort of 'experimentation' with the Swinging Neckbreakers?
John: We never know what we are going to do. I think that we've always tried to make all of our records different from the previous ones.
E.C.: Alternative-rock radio stations seem to avoid your type of music. This leaves mainly college-rock stations. Do you get much airplay on these?
John: I know we get some because BMI sends us a statement every quarter.
E.C.: In a related question, this pretty much leaves the live music format to get your music out there to the masses. Do you guys tour a lot? Where have you played? Do you have someone to play the farfisa for your live gigs?
John: We have been cross country a couple of times and overseas as well. Last year we did the west coast, the mid-west, the east coast, some shows down south and also Canada and Spain. We don't bring a keyboard player although sometimes Dave Amels (who has played on our records) has sat in if he's in town.
E.C.: THE RETURN OF ROCK came out in 2000. Can we expect a new release soon?
John: We are starting to get some songs together but, it's probably going to take awhile for another album. We recorded a live album, I don't know the status of it. We just recorded a track for a compilation on Blood Red - I think that they wanted to put it out before the end of the year.
E.C.: What is your ultimate goal?
John: I would like to see us get more exposure so I hope people read EAR CANDY.